The customer experience is the sum of all the interactions that a customer has over the life of the relationship with the brand, but more importantly, the emotions, feelings, and perceptions about those interactions.
One of the ways we understand the customer’s experience is through mapping the customer journey. In this brief sentence, you’ve been introduced to a couple of different concepts that are interpreted in different ways. We strive to clarify these in this book.
At the same time, a lot of new concepts have emerged over the last several years, whether through analyst firms or technology startups, to ensure that customer journeys are not only mapped but also measured, managed, and orchestrated.
It’s the latter concept that we’ll cover in this book: orchestration. On its own, it means to plan or coordinate the elements of a situation to produce a desired effect or outcome. IDG describes journey orchestration as “moving from listening and understanding to driving the execution that benefits the customer.”
In its Customer Journey Explorer solution, Quadient created a journey orchestration trifecta that includes (1) understanding context and behavior at customer touchpoints and across multiple channels; (2) identifying areas of disconnect between the customer and the brand, combined with changes that need to be made to improve the experience; and (3) using real-time analytics to respond to dynamic and evolving customer needs. Let’s see how that all ties together to benefit the customer!
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