Over the past few years, Customer Experience (CX) programs have become an established path to delivering enhanced customer experiences, engaging employees and driving business change.

Why then, is every business not running a slick and successful CX program? The benefits have been well-established, particularly in markets where product and price differentiation are limited, or where great customer experiences are demonstrably able to deliver higher revenues, improved retention or reduced costs.

The answer is simple. It’s very easy to get CX wrong. Programs rushed out for the wrong reasons, or created within the vacuum of a single department will never fulfill the destiny you hope for. Neither will programs that lack sufficient budget and which might deliver insight but not the financial clout to take necessary action.

Firstly, it’s vital to identify the right model for your business and follow it. Ensure that you can define, design and implement your program with clear goals in mind, and then analyze and act on the insight you gather. But what else? What are the secrets to succeeding at each of those stages? Customer Experience practitioners need to know the secrets that will unlock their program’s potential and secure future success.

Here we provide seven steps towards that vision. Built into a clear model that will help you effectively capture and act upon the Voice of the Customer, and set you on the path to CX enlightenment.

Included in this Contents

  1. Build executive support
  2. Strategize and plan
  3. Get organized
  4. Lose the silos
  5. Communicate
  6. Add the Voice of the Employee
  7. Act fast and innovate

This article is posted at forsta.com

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